Witch Hunter Wiki

FriedFigs FriedFigs 19 July 2014

Infobox parameters

Can all contributors please stop deleting empty/defective parameters in infoboxes. I recently changed the parameter names which can be seen on the Character Infobox template so if you're not going to update the parameter names, please leave them alone. Reason for not deleting empty parameters is to maintain the structure of the code and to make it easier to add previously unrevealed information to the template.

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FriedFigs FriedFigs 5 December 2013

Help provide Volume 15 raws

As many of you know, Manga Cow has only translated the Magazine version of Volume 15. This is because they don't have access to the volume raws but there might be someone who can provide it. For this we need someone who knows korean to send a message to a blogger who posted this. Please help if able to.

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FriedFigs FriedFigs 26 October 2013

Recent Events October 2013

  • The 15th Volume of the Witch Hunter manhwa was released last month, Ryuhwan is the cover character and both Ryuhwan and Tasha are on the color splash (much like the Volume 8 color splash).
  • Raw Chapter 121 was just translated, it talks about the dispatch of the WHs to the North and South Centers. Tania and Tarras are on separate teams and Tania complains about this to Eunryu.
  • Raw Chapter 119 (proper Chapter 84) was not translated. Those who are confused about some of the recent developments in the plot should read the missing chapter (untranslated).
  • This wiki is looking for a new admin. If you love Witch Hunter and want to contribute to this series, please consider applying for the position by contacting me or DQueenie13. You don't need to be …
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DQueenie13 DQueenie13 2 October 2013

WH Raws - Chapter 120

Can't read Korean, so this is simply my interpretation based on the raws.

  • That cover page makes Ryuhwan very, very girly.
  • It seems as though Ryuhwan has some trouble controlling demo!Varete.
  • Alice reappears. She's really, really, teeny weeny.
  • I think Ryuhwan's having the two of them (himself and Tasha) fight demo!Varete because both of them got their asses handed to them by her.
  • Edea Florence was mentioned, along with two very sentimental (is that the word?) looks on the two guys' faces. Which Halloween doesn't get at all.
  • Scar-faced S-Class seems to be either be in rendezvous with someone, or that is a coffin. I can't really tell, again, lack of proficiency in Korean.
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FriedFigs FriedFigs 3 July 2013

Questions and Discussions

If you've questions about the series you'd like answered, feel free to post it in the Questions and Answers forum and if you want to express your interest in the series, why not try posting in the General Discussions forum. Don't be shy.

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FriedFigs FriedFigs 8 June 2013


Hello readers, if you have any suggestions on things you want improved or added on this wiki, please comment.

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FriedFigs FriedFigs 9 April 2013

Character Profiles

Where can I find the official character profiles?

I know where to find the main character's character profile but not other characters such as Vihyungrang, Eunryu and many others. If you say at the end of a volume please specify which chapter and where I can find it (which group scanlated it or just a site).

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DQueenie13 DQueenie13 9 November 2012

Witch Hunter uniform?

Is it me, or is there a standard WH uniform?

Monica's second outfit

There's another nameless WH Witch (A-Class) that Ryuhwan killed that wears the same outfit. I read somewhere that each WH has a unique uniform, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

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Kmcgee2700 Kmcgee2700 15 September 2012

i love this manga

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Alicemoon04 Alicemoon04 28 January 2012

Witch Hunter personal Gallery

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Shmander Shmander 16 December 2010


due to life I am seldom ever on this Wiki that I started and while I'd like to say thats over it would be a lie as such i think its only fair to elect to have a few Admins who will take care of it from here as such if you'd like a chance at that feel free to contact me on this wiki i'll check back when I can and going about making my choices based on contributions and member length

Current Admins

DinoQueen13 Reason:Loyalty to the wiki and a interest in the position

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Bleachshinigami Bleachshinigami 15 August 2010

Witch Hunter Wiki: A Proposal for Page standardization

Hello. My name is Alan. I'm from a movie called The Hangover.

Just kidding xD

But onto business.

As you all know, being Witch Hunter ADDICTS, like me, our beloved manga is epic. I mean, CHO-Jung Man is probably God.

In any case, I started out using the Bleach Wiki, and I am impressed with how the team is devoted to Page clean-up.

Our Wiki, though suffers.

Changes are almost arbitrary. Grammar and spelling mistakes about, and every page has a different layout- or lack thereof.

I would like to call for a change. I think we should work towards changing every article about everything to a certain format.

I'd like to begin with people.

I suggest this format. It's used for Tasha's page.

1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Powers and Abilities

4.1 Combat…
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